5 ans déjà ... Fermez Guantánamo Bay !

En France, Amnesty International organise une manifestation le samedi 6 janvier à 14 heures au pont de Grenelle à Paris, devant la réplique de la Statue de la Liberté et une autre manifestation à Toulouse le 13 janvier.
L’organisation propose aussi d’envoyer un message à George Bush lui demandant de fermer le bagne de Guantánamo oud e faire juger équitablement les détenus.
Voici le message proposé, à envoyer à The Honourable George W. Bush, The President of the United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20500, United States of America ou par courriel à president@whitehouse.gov
Dear Mr. President,
I would like to state our concern over the situation of all Guantánamo detainees.
Due to their situation, it is a matter of the most importance that they are given immediate access to fair trials, or in case they are not tried, they should be immediately released.Besides their imprisonment, it is a matter of major concerns the allegations of torture and ill-treatment of several prisoners.
Since these facts occurred while they are in US custody, we call on the US authorities to immediately conduct a full and impartial investigation, and to make sure that all those found responsible for such acts are brought to justice.Thus, we would like to appeal to the US government to set up a commission of inquiry into all aspects of the detention policies and practices taken on the "war on terror" led by the USA.I also call for immediate closing of the Guantánamo detention facilities.
Yours sincerely,
Libellés : Bush, Guantanamo, USA
je me permet de vous signaler quelques photos de la manifestation Amnesty à Paris poura la fermeture de Guantanamo
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